Sherdog’s Top 10: Memorable UFC Debuts
Countless fighters, from one-hit wonders to all-time greats, have
made permanent marks with their first appearances inside the
Sherdog’s Top 10: Strongest Kickers
Most mixed martial artists utilize their legs and feet as weapons,
but a select few have distinguished themselves with devastating
Sherdog’s Top 10: Most Influential Fighters
Thousands of fighters have come and gone from MMA’s highest levels,
but only a handful of them have left their marks on it over the
long term.
Sherdog’s Top 10: Worst Decisions
A number of foul-smelling verdicts have arisen in MMA over the
years, calling into question many of the standards by which the
sport is scored.
Sherdog’s Top 10: Bloodiest Battles
In honor of the men who have donated and spilled substantial
amounts of blood in the cage over the years, a panel of
staff has...
Sherdog’s Top 10: Might Have Beens
Mixed martial arts has had its share of fighters, who, for various
reasons, never reached the heights we hoped they would.
Sherdog’s Top 10: Deceptively Dangerous
Most any MMA loyalist has been there before, watching a major fight
card in a room full of casual viewers and listening in disgust as
Sherdog’s Top 10: MMA Rivalries
Aesop’s fable "The Fox and the Lion" taught us that familiarity
breeds contempt, and few settings epitomize this idea like a mixed
Sherdog’s Top 10: The Ultimate Fighters
As the Season 15 premiere nears on the FX network,
compiles its list of the Top 10 fighters ever to appear on “The
Sherdog’s Top 10: 2011’s Best Knockouts
Nothing stirs the masses quite like the knockout, an event in which
skill, technique, speed, timing and brute force all converge in
Sherdog’s Top 10: MMA’s Most Dangerous Weapons
Ask most any mixed martial artist these days about his greatest
strength and you are likely to get a stock answer regarding a